Friday, February 26, 2010

Swimming Lessons

When I was a kid, I took swimming lessons every summer. At the end of the course all of my friends would get certificates with gold stars indicating that they passed that particular level and had could move on to the next. My certificate never had the gold star, but to spare my feelings, my mom would always put me in the next level so I could be with my friends. Needless to say, I've never been terribly good at swimming.

Michael, on the other hand, is a pretty good swimmer. He was even on the swim team in Jr. High :). A couple of years ago he tried unsuccessfully to teach me how to swim. It's not like I'm going to drown... I just really struggle with my technique.

All that changed this week. On Monday, I took my first swimming lesson as an adult. I've had 4 lessons so far and I feel like I'm improving. My breast and back strokes are alright, but I've been struggling with the free style. Well, last night, it just's like everything just came together all of the sudden. I am now looking forward to swimming as a means of cross training. Maybe someday, I'll do a triathalon.


Sra said...

As a child, I had excellent breast stroke form, but sucked at everything else. I don't like being wet, now, so I no longer swim (and I rarely bathe).

Stephanie said...

Good for you to learn something new. I am a horrible swimmer also, and would like to take a swimming class but would be kind of embarrased so good for you.

Carlie said...

Yay for swimming lessons, and yay that it is finally clicking! Triatholon here you come!

Kristi said...

Way to go Natalie! That's awesome...and now on to the Triatholon! :)

anna jo said...

yay! this makes my heart so happy that you would dive right in (pun intended!) and learn to swim as an adult. so many people think they're just too old to learn something new. and swimming is one of the best workouts you could ever do. oh how I love the pool. let's do a triathlon already! :)

ps: it was so good seeing you yesterday. we need to hang out more often, that's all I'm sayin'.

Haley said...

I'm so proud of you Nat! So glad that you liked the lessons. Hey, maybe you can help me with my breast stroke. It's ridiculous! Maybe we can do the turkey-tri together in November.

Tara said...

Nat--that is so awesome! Wanna do a triathlon at the end of the summer in CO? One of my friends is a race planner and is doing a sprint triathlon in Aug.

Carlie??? It could be some sisterly bonding....

Tricia said...

So, I don't know if you remember but I actually had private lessons for one of those summers because I couldn't do the back stroke... so don't feel bad - I don't know that I had the gold stars either :) I should join you in some lessons :) Glad it's going well!

Unknown said...

You are so good. I should take a swimming lesson too. I sink in the water and can't go forward much. Good luck with your triathlon training!