Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Green Spring Cleaning

Since Jack was born, I've been trying to rid my home of toxic chemicals. The greatest offenders in my house are definitely my cleaning supplies. NOT ANY MORE! I've been reading about and talking to people who use natural cleaning products (and I'm not talking about Greenworks). I just wasn't convinced that vinegar and baking soda would clean as well as Comet and bleach. But this week I decided to just give it a try... I'm completely sold. I had hard water stains on my glass shower door that I had tried to clean with every chemical I could think of. Who knew that a little vinegar and baking soda would take those stains right off?
I am so excited about this. I got my recipes for my new green/non-toxic cleaning supplies from this website (I added some essential oils to the recipe to make the cleaner smell good too). My next project is homemade non-toxic weed killer for my yard...
Happy spring cleaning everyone...


anna jo said...


Hayley said...

you go girl. that's very inspiring.

Toodles said...

I'm going to check out the website!! I've been wanting to use all natural cleaning supplies too! I always get so nervous will all those harsh chemicals in the house! Thanks for the info.