We ate some snacks then Michael said that he wanted to go over the next ridge to see what was over there. Jack and I stayed back to throw rocks in the lake (probably Jack's favorite thing to do). As Michael left, I said, "wave at us to come if it's really cool." He said ok and set out over the ridge. About 15 min. later, I see him from afar and he waves, indicating that we should come see something really great. I put Jack in the pack and started heading up the trail. After hiking for a while, I didn't see Michael. I kept saying to myself, he's just around the next bend. The terrain started to get a little rough. I was bouldering and going over and under trees (normally ok, but difficult with Jack on my back). After hiking for 15 or so minutes with no sign of my husband, I started to get frustrated. I started thinking, why would he tell us to come and then just leave us? Then it occurred to me... he wouldn't. Something was seriously wrong. He must have fallen and was unconscious or dead (because he wasn't responding to my panicky screams). I walked for a few more minutes before I decided to turn around and hike down where I was going to call search and rescue.
I saw one man on my way back to the lake. He said that he'd seen a guy that matched Michael's description, so I started to feel a little better. When I got back to the lake, there was no sign of Michael. The backpack I had left sitting on the rock was gone though. I decided to continue down the trail. I was still convinced that my husband was dead. I was even cursing myself for not increasing our life insurance policies and trying to figure out how I would make it on my own. I was so scared that I could barely lift my legs so I was not making good time down the trail. Near the end of my hike, I saw a couple who told me that Michael was at the trail head waiting for me. I felt so relieved that I started crying. My step became lighter and soon I was reunited with my husband.
He said that he was just waving to say hi, not to tell me to come. He had bushwhacked over to another part of the meadow while I was heading up the trail to meet him. It was all just a miscommunication, but it made for a pretty funny story. I need to learn not to be so dramatic.