Thursday, February 26, 2009

It Works... For Pizza

I am driving down the road and I see a Little Cesar's Mascot standing outside the store with a sign that says "Come get a pizza for $5." I think to myself, I sure am hungry and I haven't prepared dinner yet and it's only $5... I'll do it.
I am driving down the same street and see a giant bright pink cell phone mascot standing outside the T-Mobile store. It's sign says "Come buy a new cell phone plan with T-Mobile." I think to myself, I already have a cell phone plan with ATT. I don't want to pay $400 to break my contract and then pay more per month for a plan with T-Mobile. I won't do it.
I continue my drive and see somebody dressed as the Statue of Liberty standing outside the Liberty Mutual store. It's sign says, "Come in now and let us do your taxes." I think to myself, I would, but I don't have my W2 and other necessary tax forms with me right now. I won't do it.
All I'm saying is that it works... for pizza.


Sra said...

It does work for pizza. I've been reeled in by the scroungy bum-like characters that Big Daddy Pizza hires to hold signs for them.

anna jo said...

agreed. and I always feel so bad for those people. worst. job. ever.

Toodles said...

Yeah, I've never once stopped for the statue of liberty guy or any cell phone guys. But pizza, anyday!! Miss you! That's so fun you and Katie got to hang out with your little boys! Hopefully I can come next time!