Monday, August 18, 2008

Back to School

This time of year brings back fond memories of the first days of many years of school. Although I am not going back to school this year, I feel like I can't get away from it. I can understand having "back to school sales" on things like notebooks, pencils and clothing, but it seems like everything is "back to school." I've seen signs for back to school camping gear (sign me up for that school), back to school video rentals, and back to school tacos. I just can't figure out what tacos have to do with going back to school. Can anybody clue me in?


Kirsten said...

You'll figure it out shortly, once you start shopping for baby gear. It's an excellent way to move a product. Slap a label on it with which people emotionally identify (back to school, baby...), and you'll sell it.

Like the "baby" emery boards, which are the same as other emery boards, only more expensive. Or "baby" curtains. Or a host of baby specific items that aren't expensive rip-offs of usual things; they are things that no one (not even a baby) needs.

Good luck shopping.

Sra said...

I think the word "sale" in general is completely meaningless since it's thrown around everywhere for everything all the time.

Kirsten has a point, just try to see through the gimmick and evaluate products based on whether you think the price is reasonable, not whether the store tells you it's on sale and so it's a great deal.

Maybe the back to school tacos are made from shredded erasers.