Wednesday, August 13, 2008

It's been a while

It's been a while since I've posted. This is mostly due to the fact that all I have been doing is barfing and watching T.V. Most pregnant women stop barfing 12-14 weeks into their pregnancies (and some never even feel nauseated...Kasey). I am one of the lucky 5% of women who, as my doctor so lovingly put it, holds on to my nausea and doesn't let it go.
Before actually becoming pregnant myself, I assumed that morning sickness was mild nausea that you could pretty much deal with without giving up your normal routine. Boy was I wrong. I feel like I've had the full-on flu for the last 4 months. I am on the strongest anti-nausea medication that exists and I'm still pretty much incapacitated. I am still able to work because my coworkers are understanding and on my really bad days, they help me by doing most of my work in addition to their own. Michael has been a really good wife to me through all of this, doing the cooking, cleaning, laundry, and grocery shopping.
As I read over this post, I realize that there is a good reason I haven't posted over the last couple of weeks. I am working really hard on not complaining about my illness (although the medical books swear that pregnancy is not a disease), so I apologize. But I am going to publish it anyway because it's what I've been up to.


Kirsten said...

I sure hope you get feeling better soon. At least you have a briefer gestation period than an elephant (22 months). This too shall pass.

Sra said...

Hang in there, love. This won't last forever.

P.S. It's ok to complain once in awhile, especially with good reason ;)

Nichole Bruce said...

You have a perfectly good reason to complain... and I give you props for not going over board.
I'm sick of waiting for everyone's schedules to clear up, and I know eating doesn't sound that fabulous, but do you want to have a girls night out? I'm in pretty much any time, so let me know.

Toodles said...

First off, congratulations!! I'm so excited for you and Michael to become parents! You should be finding out soon what you are having... are you going to find out?? I couldn't resist finding out :)

I'm sorry to hear about your morning sickness. I discovered when I got pregnant that morning sickness was one of those things not a lot of women talk about to girls who have never had a baby or the girls who have never had a baby just don't pay attention... Nonetheless, it's tough! You'll survive though.

PS - Pregnancy is an excuse for anything and everything: eating too much, not eating enough, crying, sleeping, missing events, and even complaining... so keep the updates comin'!