Friday, September 26, 2008

New Job

Life never goes the way you plan. After Michael passed his first actuarial exam last November, we made big plans for ourselves:

He was going to get a job by February or March. We were going to re-locate to wherever it was he got that job. I was going to get a travel position which would give us a lot of extra money and free housing as long as I was working for that company. This would give us the opportunity to save, save, save, and after 6 months or so, we would have enough money for a sizable down-payment on our future home which we would move in to and live happily ever after.


After 8 months of applying for actuarial positions all over the country, and being told that entry level jobs require "more experience," Michael got a new job as a data analyst at 1-800-Contacts (which is where he has been working for the past 2 years). It is not an actuarial position, but it is in the statistics field, which will give him the "experience" he needs. I will not be taking a travel job since we will not be moving , which takes away from my potential to save, save, save. We are looking to get into a new house pretty soon, where we hope to live happily ever after... for a little while... until we can get something better. Oh yeah, and now we are going to have a baby...

So the moral of the story is don't count on your plan. It rarely works out. The good thing about it is that a lot of times it works out better. We are very happy that Michael found a job in his field and now we will get to be close to family when the baby comes. Maybe this way is better... We'll see.


Sra said...

That's the spirit. Even though it's a buyer's market in real estate right now, rumor has it it's only going to get better next year. So maybe housing will be more affordable later, and it can still fit into Plan B.

Kirsten said...

I think Michael must be working with my brother-in-law John Bradley now. He's got that very same job at that very same company. The good news: he digs the gig.

Jennikunz said...

I bet Susie is happy that baby WON'T be moving away anytime soon!