Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy New Year

I've been thinking about whether or not I care to try to improve myself this year with a new year's resolution. I've been wanting to set a goal, but haven't been successful in thinking of a good one that I really care about. During this time of reflection, I realized that I don't spend enough time thinking about and processing my life. There were a few years in college, when I wrote in a journal every day. By doing that, I was able to process my thoughts and feelings and really got to know myself. I would think about my conversations with people, decide whether these interactions were positive or negative, and reflect on how they affected me. I learned how to be honest with what I was feeling...that anger was usually a way of expressing hurt and that fear was the opposite of love. I remember feeling quite emotionally healthy during those years and I think it was related to writing and reflecting (not that I'm a total emotional wreck now... cut me some slack, I'm pregnant). So, in addition to learning how to be a mother, I resolve to write in my journal this year since I'm certainly not giving up sugar.


Toodles said...

haha... I'm glad you're not giving up sugar this year! Writing in your journal is a very great thing to do! I've set myself to doing that more too!! Hopefully I can keep it up. When's your baby due?? What are you having? I don't think I've seen a post on these things...

Sra said...

That's a very sound resolution, methinks. You've made a lot of good acknowledgments in this little post.

I do know what you mean about getting to know yourself and being emotionally healthy through self reflection. I can't possibly keep a journal daily, it would never work, but I used to write in one when I was feeling tormented, and it was very therapeutic.

Thanks for sharing this.

Hayley said...

sugar always gets a bad wrap at the beginning of the year, but come summer parties, fall trick-or-treating, then holiday festivities, it all of a sudden is our new-found best friend again. poor sugar, it leads such a conflicting life.

go with the journal writing.

Tara said...

Believe you me, you will have ALOT of new feelings to process when the baby comes, so the journal is a great idea. We are so excited for him to get here! Tell him to hurry up...

kimmalee said...

Ooo, great idea. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Years. How is your new house? What is your due date?

The Cardon's said...

Hey Nat- Love the blog and congrats on the house (jeallous) but what I really want to know is what your having? and dont say a baby!